deletedFeb 19, 2020Liked by Anton Howes
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Thanks for this - the maze game sounds remarkably similar!

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Feb 13, 2020Liked by Anton Howes

The “I pull out a sword and hack the goblin’s head off” was actually a common occurrence when I was a child. We just never thought of using dice to resolve the inevitable disagreements. Of course, that was natural...we didn't have dice because we were in our bunkbeds in the dark, and we were supposed to be sleeping. We just kept alternating between who was the "dungeon master" and who was the "character", usually in a Western or a Medieval setting.

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Sounds great!

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Tell me, what is chess, if not a table-top role-playing game?

Bicycles? Constrained by mettalurgy and the engineering necessary AND economically needful to drive the building of drive trains, bearings, etc. A wooden bicycle is a velocipede - heavy - cumbersome. Disadvantage compared to carts and wagons.

Wheeled luggage? Constrained by need, by lack of mobility, by materials again. Wheeled luggage WAS invented earlier - note "shoppers". It just didn't have the time and place to be economically useful. Current wheeled luggage is also quite dependent on very recent technology.

I think you are looking at a phenomena that A) doesn't really exist, and B) is readily explained by prevailing economic conditions and technologies.

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Chess is really very different. It involves some role-playing, yes, much like Kriegsspiel, but is much, much more constrained. As I say, table-top role-playing games are much more about storytelling.

Perhaps bicycles and wheeled luggage are somewhat explained by prevailing economic conditions and technologies. Bicycles are more fully explored in the article I linked to, where some of what you said is considered. But telegraphing systems? The flying shuttle?

I think it's very easy to come with all sorts of just-so stories as to why things were not invented earlier. But I don't think it goes against my general point that such cases do exist, and may be much more common than we think, because innovation is just so rare.

(On a separate note, what's so striking about some of the responses I've seen is that they sound very similar to the derision of some of innovation's naysayers and opponents!)

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Thanks for responding! I would argue that chess, in its multiplicity of formats, is not so different, although there the differences you point out may be important. Let's take a look, though. First, you have the entertainment of sedentary games. This must be important, since we see such games historically as far back as written history goes, and before. And we have the role of chance, or the gods - and that is a ditto - archeological evidence in pre-historical times. So, those needs were historically provided for.

What else is provided by games? Companionship, yes? Not such a hard thing to find, historically, compared to recent history. In spite of the numbers of people in existence today, the connections of community are far weaker than they were historically. This is a new condition - the societal need for community. Provided throughout history, weakly provided today. Story-telling, and imagination, yes? Another aspect well-provided for throughout history, by means other than RPG board games.

By the way, I am in no way opposed to innovation. I simply think that there are simple explanations for every example you have come up with, excepting one, as to why they were not invented earlier. I looked at the "low-hanging fruit" idea of invention, decades ago, and wondered. And I came to the conclusion that the "low-hanging fruit" was not so low-hanging, or that there was good reason other fruit was harvested.

Your final two examples, semaphores, and the flying shuttle, are the only examples, I believe, that hold water (so to speak). I would discount the thoughts about aboriginal North Americans and smoke signals, without some decent historical references. I think that may be a much-exaggerated thing. However, either the Aztecs, the Maya, or the Olmecs had roads and communication methods over distances - but I forget details. And we know the Greeks used runners.

So how about this: when human power is cheap, as it was throughout most of history, does it make sense to build communication towers, and expend manhours on education time to man the towers and understand the signaling, when a runner is readily available, and will get the job done in the time alloted? Economically, I think the runner wins that competition hands down. We do know that towers were built, historically, and signal fires were used. What need of refinement on that, for a more expansive signaling system, would drive a need for the cost of a semaphore? A semaphore seems cheap today because the items involved are either sunk cost or cheap as a commodity today. Fabric, for instance, was not always cheap. So, as a result, I am again skeptical of the semaphore as an example.

Which leaves the flying shuttle. Which is the only example for which I see no simple, contrary explanation. And since it is now alone, it has become an outlier, no?

I will add this. I recall an experiment done, some years ago, with dolphins (the bottle-nosed variety). When they were taught tricks, they performed them as taught. When they were taught to INNOVATE new tricks - they did so and become more skilled at innovating new tricks. I'm sure there is scientific work since that would support the thesis that: "When innovation is learned, it gravitates towards the norm." So, in times of innovation, innovation itself becomes easier and more commonplace. But the natural state would be an environment with low levels of innovation. Which is born out historically.

So, my thought, regarding WHY innovations did not occur at an earlier date? It is not because somebody did not conceive of the idea (they probably did), but because it was economically inefficient at the time to invest in the innovation. No more complicated than that.

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Hi Mark,

Curiously, I think we have arrived at somewhat similar conclusions about the way that innovation works - I very much agree with your penultimate paragraph, for example, which is almost identical to the main thesis of my work.

But I find your final paragraph to summarise the point on which we disagree - before times of innovation, I believe that people simply did not think about it as an option. It was just absent. It was not a matter of incentives or barriers, as you seem to believe. I don't think I'll convince you of this in a short comment, nor in just a post with a handful of examples.

So for now, let's agree to disagree!

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Feb 18, 2020Liked by Anton Howes

LOL, that works!

I actually agree that, for the most part, people don't think about new solutions. But we differ, and I beg your pardon, but I will recap. It is on two counts. One, I'm convinced innovation is constantly with us, especially among our youth. It is still not common - most people just don't think that way (unless their environment is one that rewards innovation). But, I am convinced that it was not because innovation was absent. A few people, every generation, are natural innovators. In most times, it is squelched, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Secondly, if we can conceive of a concept, it has been thought of before, and probably tried. It is a rare individual who has the synapse links to put things together in an entirely original manner. And, I think it is quite possible that even those rare Einsteins don't really put things together that are brand new - but rather "The dwarf who stands on the shoulders of a giant sees the farther of the two". It's not so much creating something new - it's putting the things in front of you together in a way that other people haven't noticed yet. Like your example of name tags. I would think nobody at the event really thought about it. Not like it was a major hassle, or required attention. Except one person's brain took what it was seeing, and put the little bits together differently. And made something new. There is no way, I think, to know, but I do think that this pattern may hold true for even the most innovative of individuals. Which would mean that nothing is new - it's just put together slightly differently. And the corollary would be that no idea comes to fruition before it's time. Since, for an idea to come to fruition, it would have to have precedent.

I've come to these conclusions, in part, because of a lifetime of being involved in innovation. And, during that lifetime, being involved with people who saw much farther than I - in some directions.

I hope I have given you some food for thought, along your journey of exploration into innovation!

It's been a good conversation. Best Regards, and Thanks!

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Feb 15, 2020Liked by Anton Howes

all-wooden scooters are used in africa nowdays

very handy in transporting stuff


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Feb 15, 2020Liked by Anton Howes

I'm glad you included a link! I've known of the wooden scooters for some time - well over a decade. They started as children's playthings. Interesting that they have developed larger versions, possibly as these people have grown up with them. These ARE scooters, or velocipedes, not bicycles, although they do manage a wooden version of bicycle steering. In this case, the difference is important. A bicycle has a drive train. Scooters and velocipedes do not.

Historically, I don't think these were used, not for lack of innovation, but because a dogcart is far more practical and useful. A dogcart is a small version of a two-wheeled cart, suitable for using humans, goats, dogs, or donkeys as draft animals. It is much easier to pull a dogcart over adverse terrain, and long distance, than it is to push a scooter, or velocipede. Pushing a full bicycle might bring it close to par, due to the use of larger, lighter wheels with at least the suspension effect of pneumatic tires. But I would be skeptical. I've carried loads with both. On a two-wheeled, fore-and-aft design, you have to expend energy to balance as well as to push, and the steering gives you no benefit over a two wheeled, side-by-side design.

So why don't THESE people use dogcarts? They could make them just as easily. I suspect this is an example of NON-innovation, rather than the converse. Meaning - these people saw someone create a two-wheeled design that worked. They then created a bigger version to carry loads, rather than going through a more extensive innovation process to re-invent the dogcart. You do see, dogcarts are nearly non-existent today, outside of museums. People innovating making carts in economic conditions similar to the economic circumstances extant in the Congo are typically using truck beds and auto parts. All wood would be even cheaper in such circumstances, where wood is available for the cost of labor. As in the Congo. So I would think they have extended what they know to a larger scale.

I think one would need some very good comparison science before using this as an example of "innovation that could have been".

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handcarts werent widely used afaik except by mormon migrants. but transport wheelbarrows were used by the chinese, human/donkey/wind powered


i suspect a second large wheel would have been too much of a burden in the 'wooden age' (the chinese wheelbarrows had not a single metal part). and without wide level roads two-wheeled design is somewhat less practical: its a lot of rocking from side to side and the doubled probability to stuck somewhere

with handcart you still balance it against overturning forward or carry a part of the load with your arms if the center of gravity is shifted towards the handles. the advantage of the scooter is that more of the weight falls on the wheels as the point of holding is higher above the ground. also the mode of pushing seems more efficient to me. its not the same as pushing a cart or a bicycle.

i cant believe they dont know how to build carts or wheelbarrows so these scooters should be more economical than handcarts. maybe in part because of asphalt roads

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Two-wheeled carts have been in use for millenia. From the article you link: on Chinese wheelbarrows, " In China, their use is documented extensively from the second century AD onwards . . . It is interesting to note that the wheelbarrow appeared at least 2,000 years later than two-wheeled carts and four-wheeled wagons. . . ."

And, just like the Chinese wheelbarrow, a properly loaded cart carries the load - not the "motor" - be it human or animal. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cart

However, the history of carts, and their practicality vs wooden scooters is taking us away from the topic. I stand by my statements about the efficiency of one vs the other. Side-by-side wheels work better for loads, and especially with primitive technology. If you look (at the Wikipedia link) at the pictures of carts in use today, in areas where manufactured goods are expensive (like the Congo) all the carts have manufactured wheels. Either scavenged from automobiles, or bicycles. To my knowledge, nobody in the world has been using wooden wheeled carts for nearly a century. Yet in Africa, the kids started building wooden-wheeled toys - "trucks" and scooters. The trucks were never a real vehicle. The scooters were, and are. I think these Congolese took what they knew they could build, and re-purposed it. It's not a case of "It could have been invented 1,000 years ago!" It could have been, and somebody, somewhere, probably gave it a try. And it didn't work as well as what they had.

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This is a very thought-provoking post with a rich collection of examples for comparison. I wonder, though, how the analysis might change if we altered the fundamental question (“why don’t ‘low hanging fruit’ inventions occur earlier”?). I think there are a few reasons that the nature of this question actually limits the kinds of insights it can yield about our history.

We all know from our studies of science and statistics that causation is extremely difficult to determine. This is especially true for complex, multi-causal phenomena like societal trends. They never boil down to just one necessary cause, and the more time you spend digging into the background of an event or trend, the more (and more disparate) causes you discover.

The question of “why didn’t [event] happen in history?” is exponentially more difficult to answer than “why did [event] happen in history?” because it’s no longer a question about a specific event, but about all of human history. (Imagine applying this method to determining motive in a murder case—“why did the murderer do it?” can be hard enough to answer without clear evidence, let alone answering “why didn’t anyone else?”)

To illustrate this, let’s imagine that we could decompose the influences that contributed to the invention of DnD to only 10 variables (which is absurdly low). If we asked “why was DnD invented in the 70s and what made it catch hold?”, then we would only need to examine these 10 variables within a constrained period of time leading up to the event in question to arrive at a satisfying historical narrative.

In order to answer the inverse question of why it didn’t happen earlier, however, we would need to go through an inverse process and examine all of human history decomposed into all of its possible causal variables and then attempt an explanation of why those ten never merged before. This is an impossible task because it’s not actually a question about the facts of history—it’s a question that runs counter to those facts: a counterfactual.

Historical facts cannot be used to answer counterfactuals, and so we return to preconceived mental models about historical change in order to answer them. Counterfactuals do not yield insights: they reveal biases.

As someone who is employed in the field of “technological innovation” myself, something I’m continually asking is what counts as innovation. I find that most of the time, both in my daily work and in broader conversation, this term is a chimera. A word that can be applied equally to things as different as DnD and bicycles and spinning jennys doesn’t seem to me to be constrained enough to be identified or explained at all. I’m often tempted to think that either “innovation” is a bad category or that I simply am not aware of more rigorous definitions.

The impossibilities of counterfactual questions are magnified when that question is asked of an ill-defined category. I’m sorry for being ignorant of your past writing, but I’d be very curious to know whether or not you’ve already written on how to define and identify innovations, or whether you have a set of criteria you use for classifying them.

I apologize for the lengthy comment. I tend to think that good writing is writing that provokes more thinking, so thank you for provoking me with this post!

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Thank you Josh.

Economic historians actually do use counterfactuals to assess causal claims (after all, isn't a counterfactual implicit to any claim about what causes what?) There seems to be a bit of an academic divide here with non-economic historians, who prefer to say "well, actually X *did* happen, so we need to understand it to explain the causes of Y", and economic historians, who constantly ponder "if X didn't happen, would Y have happened at all, or in some different way?"

You see this, for example, with discussions of the causes of the British Industrial Revolution. Many economic historians would contend that something like slave-grown cotton was unnecessary to it - they calculate all sorts of counterfactual scenarios in which cotton was imported from other countries, and what the impact on the price of cotton and thus on British economic growth would be. Or the calculate what growth would have looked like had Britain not had a cotton-spinning industry at all (for example by looking at the next most valuable sectors of the economy). Non-economic historians, however, seem to reply that, well, cotton *was* grown in the US south, and by slaves, and thus that it *was* important. I don't know how to resolve this disagreement - and much smarter heads than mine have tried - but it strikes me that economic historians are often searching for necessary conditions, while historians are looking for contributory factors. These are two different things, as a contributory factor may well have been unnecessary, but contributed all the same to what did actually happen.

I think your comment almost perfectly encapsulates the way that non-economic historians tend to approach issues like these, whereas my post is perhaps a good example of the way economic historians think. And I suspect that such mutual misunderstandings are perhaps inevitable when it comes to explaining the causes of things like the British Industrial Revolution and of innovations in particular, for the simple reason that they only happened once (barring the many examples of simultaneous invention).

As for definitions of innovation, I've tried to define how I use the term here: https://www.antonhowes.com/blog/invention-vs-innovation

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I would think this relates most to the storytelling aspect. Role Playing Games are, after all, collective story telling but they are more specifically telling fictional stories. and that is likely a major key. We may have had story telling and books for centuries but the fiction novel is relatively modern. So to a major extent, RPGs had to follow the development of fiction writing. Secondly, it is fiction largely based on fantasy. If you look at modern fantasy, it evolved from a secular view of past religions, objectifying them as myths. We did not have the modern concept of fantasy until we had a view of religious stories that saw them as neither faith nor heresy. Why those things evolved so late is a different topic, but a view of fiction and fantasy stories as prerequisites to a game evolving around them means the window for RPGs being invented earlier only goes back about a 100 years or so. The actual impetus which led to D&D being wargaming, just needing a more specialized scenario, does cover that range so the RPG is a late bloomer but only a century behind its time.

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Feb 19, 2020Liked by Anton Howes

I also thought of another factor which could narrow it down to a 10-20 year window. D&D was essentially self published. While publishing pamphlets and self publishing had existed for some time before the 100 year window, it really hit the zeitgeist in the 1960s. For a college age kid to have an idea and feel empowered to self publish that idea instead of going through an established publisher as a gatekeeper of sorts or withholding it because of the perception of needing to be mainstream to enter the publishing field really started in the 60's. You see this in other areas outside of politics, like the start of the Society for Creative Anachronism starting with a King Arthur themed party, done a thousand time before, turned into an organization. Its possible there were many false starts of RPG like ideas which were never written down and published.

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Feb 19, 2020Liked by Anton Howes

That was very interesting. I'm not a historical expert, but as a game buff the history of games is an interest of mine. I thing I remember from when I learned meditation in Hawaii was the instructor saying that people in modern society generally need more complex visualizations than people living simpler lives (He blamed television). People were happy playing checkers, go, nine men's morris, chess, etc for an immense amount of time. The games are still strategic, but generally seen as a bit dull by people not really into them. It seems the same with plays vs movies, or music over time. Maybe as our lives get more complicated our entertainments need to get more complicated to be an effective distraction?

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Feb 19, 2020Liked by Anton Howes

The earliest example I can think of is actually the Bronte siblings, who collaborated on various 'plays' with ongoing storylines that spanned years. There isn't any evidence they used dice or that it all occurred in the context of group settings but it doesn't sound too dissimilar from some roleplaying campaigns I've participated in via skype/discord either. I think this suggests it is possible other people of the time period were engaging in collaborative storytelling games, its just that their games didn't survive the passage of time.

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Can we consider improv theater to be very much an RPG? That is a form of collaborative storytelling. Perhaps proto-RPGs have been in existence for some time, just not recognized as such. Is there some prejudice or class view on acting which went away by the 1970s which prevented a theater trope from being adopted by non actors for gaming?

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The Stone Age lasted 3.4 million years. What the heck were people doing all that time, anyway? Innovation, for most of human history, does indeed seem extremely rare.

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I would argue its the combination of chance and storytelling that was for millenia forboden. Storytelling like The Odyssey was considered pedagogic - intended to impart values metaphorically. Dice & chance however were the province of gambling which virtually every culture looked down upon and was considered a sign of poor character. Moreover, there is the cultural value of self-determination that needed to precede roleplaying games, traditionally most cultures are ones of predestination: if you are born to a farmer you will be a farmer not a plucky hero who slays the dragon and wins the princess. As Einstein famously said, 'god does not play dice'. The idea of our lives being determined by whim, not by the gods, or good works or fate was the novelty necessary for RPGs along with the other factors you note above...all had to be present for the idea to have its time.

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An excellent post that could become a research topic on its own. One thing that I would like to point out is that the typical dice used in RPG's are actually Platonic solids, except for the 10-sided die, they are not impossible :).

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The book Why Nations Fail attributes the possibility of invention, the ground from whi h they can grow, to 'inclusive economic institutions" that allow patents and copywrite etc. A necessary condition ti which is then added the extra 'bothering to do things differently', because ther is an incentive to do so.....

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I suggest a distinction between the invention of the table top RPG and the marketing of it.

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Thank you for provoking my thoughts with your excellent post. I'll try to keep this brief (read: lack of helpful supporting references), but may I please posit that, it is not innovation which is rare, rather, it is acceptance (by society at large).

Children are natural intellectual sponges who can and do routinely make the wildest associations between apparently unrelated ideas. (With great irony: ) Luckily for society at large, we are able to force their thought patterns into narrow cultural norms before releasing them upon the world as adults. A simplest example of this is language: small children can absorb multiple languages to become fluent native speakers, yet we fill their heads with the do's and don't's of acceptable grammatical rules.

Sound permits infinitely variable frequencies, yet to be "music" (in the Western cultural tradition), we limit ourselves to diatonic scales (7 (12?) distinct notes per octave). After centuries of musical evolution (arguably culminating in the musical language of J.S.Bach), there was actually a regression in what was acceptable in the generations which followed (sons of Bach; Haydn & Mozart). 20th century composer like Schönberg tried to expand the harmonic language, but IMHO these were intellectual thought-experiments that received little popular support (so too, "Modern Art"). I read a paper recently which claimed a reduction in "chords used per pop-song" over the last 20-30 years. It's not that we can't innovate, it's that "nobody is trying to hear that."

Cultural constructs like table-ware, flying shuttles, or the theory of Evolution vs. the latest creation myth, can only flourish in an accepting and supportive societal milieu. We hear of inventors, writers, artists, composers who were "before their time." Why has the Spork languished? Where is my Pet-Rock now? The "Smiley Face" is doing better than ever these days.

Bicycles and Telephones require non-trivial technology before they can be considered / invented / marketed. But as you mentioned, flying-shuttles and D&D have no such requirements: they require merely to be embraced by a society (or sub-culture).

Supposedly there are only 10 movie genres. The names, faces, details change; but we are watching the same 10 movies over and over. Write a story completely outside the well-trodden path, and you either have an earth-shaking block-buster, or much more likely: your movie/story will never see the light of day. As creatures of habit, we "aren't trying to hear that."

Thanks again for your excellent post. Please keep pondering and sharing!!

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Hi Anton,

I saw Alex Tabarrok’s post at Marginal Revolution several weeks about and have been thinking about these matters off and on since then. I’ve got a variety of observations.

I rather liked Tabarrok’s reference to an article in which Paul Romer pointed out that the “search space” of ideas is huge, but only sparsely populated by “useful” ones. So, one can imagine scads of researchers looking for new stuff and not finding it simply because it’s so very rare. I’m not sure how much I believe that, but, abstractly considered, it’s a possibility. That’s rather different than people just not looking, though I think there’s quite a lot of this.

Secondly, it seems to me we’ve got a variety of cases. There’s the one you’re writing about here, which is inventions which seem to be late in arriving. The “obverse” of that, if you will, might be accidental innovations. One example would be Alexander Fleming’s discovery penicillin. Another example would be the discovery of cosmic background radiation by Penzias and Wilson – though this discovery was purely scientific in nation and hasn’t had any practical value that I’m aware of. And then we have those new things that have had little economic value. How many patents have actually proved useful or valuable?

In the large I tend to think of this as an evolutionary process, but one in the realm of culture rather than biology. Evolution tends to be opportunistic rather than systematic.

On the flying shuttle, I know almost nothing about the history of weaving, but it does seem to me that looms are rather complicated mechanical devices, with the various frames, foot pedals, and mechanical linkages. They must have been among the most mechanically complex devices around prior to the invention of clockworks (well before the flying shuttle). The thing about clockworks is that, no matter how complex, the motion is all driven from one point. The loom involves two independent sources of motion, which must the carefully interlinked. The flying shuttle places both motions under the control of a single person. Given all the weavers in all the shops, I’m wondering if that functioned as a “soft constraint” that made the possibility of the flying shuttle difficult to see.

As for those soft constraints, I’m thinking about your most recent post, which is about navigational aids. A lot of them involve calculations, which would have been difficult or impossible without the Arabic notation system. Note in particular that many of those calculations would have been done with logarithm tables, which are inconceivable without the Arabic system, which was introduced into Europe in the 9th century CE. Why didn’t it arise independently in Europe? That is, it seems to me that culture is like this.

Which leads me to Dungeons and Dragons. In a similar vein, one might ask by detective stories were so rare prior to the last quarter of the nineteenth century (and have been become ubiquitous in the 20th)? I should note that I’ve never played DnD though of course I know about it. When I read about it in the Wikipedia it struck me as involving a rather complex “factoring” of the game space into roles, rules, and ‘set up.’ It may be easier enough to step into the game space and operate in, but conceptualizing the space is another matter.

Finally, it seems to me that sometime during the 19th century invention came to be conceptualized as a process unto itself. Thomas Edison exemplified that conceptualization when he established his research lab and proceeded to invent in many arenas. John Kay, in contrast, was in the textiles business. The flying shuttle is something he invented to facilitate that business. That doesn’t require the conceptualization of invention as such. But somewhere between Kay and Edison that conceptualization took place. Your fellow Woodcroft would seem to have been important in that process.

Bill Benzon

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To me, this essay's analysis has a bit of "the great man" approach to history, which says that things happen in civilization because few individuals of great courage, insight, creativity, malevolence, or whatever stride upon the stage and make them happen. Maybe that's what makes some aspects of history, but I disagree when it comes to innovation. Some say that America has all the courageous innovative entrepreneurs. But I've heard cogent podcasts reporting how amazingly entrepreneurial (and capable and courageous) are the little regular people who populate the markets in any big city, hustling to get what they can, buy it, move it, sell it, and live hand to mouth for themselves and their families.

So with this essay, it sounds like only the rare person is insightful and creative enough to imagine anything different than the status quo, dreaming and striving of innovation. I say baloney. Every farmer, every mechanic, every carpenter, really everyone is motivated by the self-interest of maximizing free time and energy and money. Everyone is always thinking, "if I could get this done a little more quickly, I could knock off from work early and relax," or, "if I could butcher these hogs a bit more efficiently, I bet I could do a few more and make an extra buck," or, "if I made a saw a bit different than my usual ones, I bet I could work less hard while still cutting down the same number of trees." Are there really people who go their whole lives not tinkering with what it takes to do their trade in order to make more, work less, or both?

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Thanks for your comment, but that is not my position. In my work more broadly, my main thesis is that the practice of improvement spreads from person to person, and that there seem to be no innate barriers to that spread, at least in the sense that anybody might get it. So it’s not that there are a handful of geniuses who do all the inventing, but that there are very few people who improve things because very few people have received that mentality. As for your final question, yes, I think it’s highly evident to most that the vast majority tend not to optimise or improve things. If you doubt that, I suppose you must be especially lucky to be surrounded by a lot of innovators!

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The population density argument makes a lot of sense and maybe also, the 1970s coincided with the rise in car ownership, so kids could be ferried to friends on the other side of town, D&D being quite a minority pursuit in a way that football isn't.

Sometimes, it's just a lot of small things, though, isn't it? Printing had been falling in price for many decades before and maybe printing large books for a niche tipped over.

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